Featured Coffees

Costa Rica, La Pastora

The Medium Roast we proudly serve is La Pastora. It is the Costa Rican coffee you talk about when you talk about Costa Rican coffee. This washed coffee is approachable, clean, and classic with a juicy twist. With just enough nuttiness to temper the syrupy, plummy sweetness, the La Pastora is the perfect subject for whichever brew method has your fancy.


Our choice for Dark Roast is Late Night. It’s the roastiest toastiest coffee without any bitterness. Late Night is a dark, bold, developed cup of coffee without the aftertaste often associated with dark roasted. This coffee is equally enjoyable black or with cream & sugar. You'll find no judgement here.

Colombia, Cauca - Decaf

The Decaf on our menu comes from Colombia, in the Cauca region and is grown by various smallholder farms. These coffees are assessed and then selected specifically for decaffeination by our importing partner, Cafe Imports. Only after this process is the coffee even considered for export.